Thursday, February 21, 2008

five points of view/pretest

Jenny Dixon is an assistant Pilates instructor at the MU Rec Center. Prior to attending grad school at MU, Jenny taught Pilates for two years when she was getting her undergraduate degree at Kansas State University. I shot to prepare for the five points of view assignment. I think she has a wonderful personality on the microphone. I would like to follow her around withmy camera, but ethically I don't believe it is right because I work with her. However, it was nice to practice shooting and thinking of different angles. I'd call this more of a lesson, than a success. I'm not fond the fact that you only see sides of her face. I orginally was going out to Fulton School of Deaf to shot Gary Bonsall during his work day but the bad weather ruled that out. I will be shooting Gary on Tuesday from 8 am until 4 p.m. when his work day concludes. 

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